Before & After Treatment

Patient 1

H had been losing her for four or five years, with gradual thinning all over the the scalp area. She was worried that when she may need to go down the hair transplant route before long and had concerns as to how successful it may be.

Thankfully H came to us in good time.

Thorough genetic analysis allowed us to give her a customised hair growth solution that she would use daily, and would support good hair growth at its roots.

4 initial PRP treatments really stimulated hair growth all over the affected scalp areas, and despite an interruption in treatment during the pandemic, the hair continues to grow thicker, month after month.

Needless to say, H is glad she acted when she did, and it was a real pleasure being able to help restore her confidence!

Patient 2

SB noticed that after the birth of her daughter, her hair seemed to be falling out at an alarming rate. Both washing and just simple combing seemed to cause hair to be lost in large clumps.

We carried out a thorough blood and hair sample analysis and this revealed that not only were SB’s iron stores very low after her pregnancy, her Thyroxine levels were also a little low.

SB’s treatment involved 4 separate approaches:

  1. Treat the low iron levels
  2. Correct the mild Thyroxine deficiency
  3. PRP to stimulate good hair growth by re-infusing nutrients at the hair root level
  4. A modified Minoxidil solution (tailored to SB’s own individual genetic profile, guided by the blood and hair analysis) to maximise stimulation of new hair growth.

Needless to say, SB was thrilled with the results!

Patient 3

Mr. P was becoming increasingly concerned about the thinning of his frontal hair. He decided that it would be better to act now rather than later, when he may well start losing hair from other areas of his head.

We undertook a thorough hair and blood analysis for P, providing him with a customised Minoxidil solution specifically tailored for his genetic profile. This really stimulates hair follicles well with daily use, and the customisation makes it far more effective than the standard ‘Regaine’ type solutions that are available over the counter.

In combination with this, a course of 4 PRP treatments really started to get the hair thickening again.

P is much happier and more confident about his hair now, and glad that he came to us in good time!

Patient 4

DH came in to see us having struggled with gradual hair loss over the course of three or four years. He was worried that he was going to start looking like his father who had lost all of his hair in his early 40s.

Thankfully he came to us well before he may have needed to go down the transplant route.

Thorough blood and hair sample analysis revealed that a modified Minoxidil solution with enhanced ingredients would be more effective than the standard Minoxidil he had been buying over the counter.

PRP is the gold standard treatment to enhance hair growth, and after 4 treatments, as we can see in the Before and After photographs, the results were excellent.

The PRP and Minoxidil combination achieved excellent hair regrowth, and a maintenance programme of a PRP treatment every 6-8 months continues to maintain a good healthy head of hair.