Who we are

Dr. Amandeep Grewal BSc MBBS MRCGP PGCME

During his 20 years of practising in Hospital Medicine and General Practice, Dr. Grewal has come across thousands of patients that have experienced hair loss.

It is not only common, it can also have a lot of impact on self-esteem and confidence for the person affected.

In General Practice, a patient can be assessed for Iron or Thyroid deficiency (two possible causes), but most hair loss is due to genetic factors, so little can be done in NHS practice for this.

Dr. Grewal found this lack of options frustrating, so he decided to enter Specialist training to be able to assess and treat Hair Loss of all types.

He has trained across Europe, the U.S. and Canada with the very best Doctors and Surgeons in the world to get to a level where we can offer World Class treatments for Hair Loss of all types.

He believes that full genetic, nutritional and scalp analysis is essential to assess the root cause(s) of the hair loss, so a bio-identical approach matched to the individual patient’s genetics and holistic and scalp health can be achieved for maximal hair re-growth.

Well over 90% of Hair Loss can avoid requiring a Transplant if treated early enough, so it is important that one does not delay a full assessment.

Dr. Grewal believes in using only the very best diagnostic and treatment technology and techniques, and has been very pleased to be able to offer the absolute ‘Best in Class’ for all of the above.

When you come in for your appointment, we are sure you will agree!

Mr. Mandeep Daffu BSc

Mr Mandeep Daffu is the Technical Director and Lead Hair Consultant at The Eden Hair Clinic.

Mr. Daffu’s University background was in Bio-Sciences and Nutritional studies, and he started his career at a London Health Clinic offering clients Bio-Mechanical and Nutritional assessments and support.

Mr. Daffu was sought after for his scientific knowledge and his reputation for exemplary client care and relations, and was head-hunted to oversee the whole division at a leading Hair clinic in Central London for 10 years. He was also responsible for thoroughly training new Hair Consultants during this time.

Over time, Mr Daffu observed that hair loss is an everyday reality for many people.

It can have a significant impact on mental well-being and physical appearance.

He didn’t wish to continue to provide only a solutions-based service, finding this very one-dimensional and not taking in to account individual patient genetic, nutritional and lifestyle variation.

This led him to research the innovation of developing personalised treatments that would work best with each patient’s unique biometric profile, in order to create an effective solution without any limitations or temporary fixes.

His passion led him to his work with Dr. Grewal at The Eden Hair Clinic.

Mr. Daffu utilises his knowledge of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Molecular Biology, alongside his expertise in Nutritional Sciences to provide personalised care to his patients.

He shares Dr. Grewal’s passion for innovation and technological advances, so as the Lead Clinicians at the clinic, they are constantly attending International Conferences and Seminars monitoring the latest in cutting edge science so that this can be offered in Clinic to our valued clients.